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Dulcimers On Display

Dulcimers On Display

Festival season is an ongoing season here at Folkcraft. And why shouldn't it be? When we're not busy putting on our own events, we're out on the road bringing the instruments to the people.

custom dulcimer rackCustom Dulcimer Racks For Standard And Larger-Size Dulcimers

The pictures in the post you're reading right now show our current traveling display. We've had different versions through the years, but this is the one we're sticking with.

ukulele displays
Two Crates For Ukuleles

Easy to transport, accessible to our music-playing friends, and sized just right for our trailer. This has been an ongoing project, and we're very happy with the results.

dulcimer displays
A Couple More Dulcimer Displays

It's hard to miss the display if you're at a festival. If you've seen it, we hope you stopped by. If you haven't, well then we hope to see you soon.

accessory displays
Can't Forget Accessories And Books

Folkcraft Instruments is always trying to find new and exciting events to attend. You can see our full schedule here.

cases and hammers
A Variety Of Cases And Hammers - All Made At Our Shop In Indiana

Want us to come to your neck of the woods? Let us know of the festival and we'll see what we can do!

Nicholas Young