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Peter B. Irvine And Dona Benkert - Psalms, Hymns, And Spiritual Songs For Voice And Dulcimer

Item Number 90923235

Regular price $18.00

These compositions are collaborations based on texts and tunes from a variety of sources, including the Bible, the 1940 Episcopal Hymnal, George Herbert, Thomas Tallis and others. Arranged for the mountain dulcimer, these renditions provide traditional repertoire for individuals, house churches and congregations without an organ, as well as a musical change of pace. They can be sung by soloists, choirs and congregations alike. Written in standard notation and tablature in DAD tuning.

74 pages.

Songs included:

Glorious Things Of Thee Are Spoken
This Is My Father's World
Crown Him With Many Crowns 
What A Friend We Have In Jesus 
Peace Is Flowing Like A River 
Offertory Beautiful Savior 
Be Still My Soul 
We Give Thee But Thine Own 
O Day Of Rest And Gladness 
Come Down, O Love Divine 
Father, We Thank Thee Who Hast Planted
Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence
Closing Hymns Lead Us, Heavenly Father 
Jesus Shall Reign 
A Mighty Fortress Is Our God 
O Master, Let Me Walk With Thee 
In Heavenly Love Abiding  
Love Divine 
Blessed Assurance 
Lift Up Your Hearts 
Be Thou My Vision 
O Perfect Love  
Come With Us, O Blessed Jesus  
Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus  
O Come, O Come, Emanuel  
Lift Up Your Heads  
What Child Is This  
Joseph Dearest, Joseph Min4e  
In The Bleak Midwinter  
What Star Is This  
O Love That Casts Out Fear  
How Firm A Foundation  
I Need Thee Every Hour 
O Sacred Head 
Were You There  
That Easter Day  
Christ The Lord Is Risen Today  
Saint's Day 
Ye Holy Angels Bright 
Lo! What A Cloud  
We Gather Together 
Praise God, From Whom All Blessings Flow
General Hymns 
Jesus, Thou Divine Companion 
When Jesus Left His Father's Throne  
O Gladsome Light 
Turn Back, O Ma5n  
All Praise To Thee  
Jesus, Son Of Mary  
God That Madest Earth and Heaven 
Psalm 1
Psalm 4
Psalm 23 
Psalm 24  
Psalm 27:5-11  
Psalm 47  
Psalm 62:6-14 
Psalm 67 
Psalm 91:9-15  
Psalm 96  
Psalm 103  
Psalm 104:25-35

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