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Doug Londraville

Folkcraft: How long have you been playing the dulcimer?

Doug: I have been playing hammered dulcimer since 2005.

Folkcraft: When did you get your first Folkcraft dulcimer?

Doug: I bought my L16/17 hammered dulcimer in 2005, when Folkcraft/Legend was making dulcimers in Winsted, CT.

Folkcraft: Where do you enjoy playing your dulcimer?

Doug: I play my hammered dulcimer daily, in my music room. Of all my instruments (drums, piano, vibes, marimba, hammered dulcimer), my dogs prefer the dammered dulcimer. (In this photo, I am performing at Old Sturbridge Village in Sturbridge, MA.)

Folkcraft: What other hobbies, or interests, do you have besides playing the dulcimer?

Doug: I am a drummer and percussionist (since 1961). As the hammered dulcimer is a percussion instrument, I thought I’d better get one. I met Paul Reisler after a Trapezoid concert and told him I was a percussionist, and vibraphone player, and was interested in the hammered dulcimer. Paul said that I should be able to adapt quickly to hammered dulcimer. (Twenty plus years later I’m still adapting.)